Sunday, June 2, 2013

June Block-of-the-Month

June Block of the Month~~~Simply Squares by Elizabeth

I was inspired to make this block when I saw a scattering squares quilt on the Pippa Patchwork blog.  
I also had the perfect solid fabrics on hand from our guilds solid swap! 


Here's how to make your very own Simply Squares block:

Choose 8 different fabrics (solids if you want to make one like mine).

Cutting your fabric:
1.   Cut three 4.5 inch squares (Choose any three colors. I ended up 

       exchanging the pink for the lavender : )

2.   Cut fourteen 2.5 inch squares (Cut 2 squares out of six colors and 1 square 
       out of the two colors that were left.)

3.   Cut forty 1.5 inch squares (5 squares from each color)

Lay them out in a pleasing pattern as shown.  

Begin sewing in rows.  I made 4 patches when I got to the smaller squares
and then sewed them together. 

Some of you may not like what I am going to your seams open!  It really helps when you have this many seams to deal with.  I also use a leader to keep my threads from tangling when I begin sewing a new piece.  For some reason I don't use and ender, but you go right ahead.

And no complaining about sewing the tiny squares because this is great practice and by the time you finish, you will have it down to perfection.  Trimming is your friend, so square up your four patches as you go.

Speaking of perfection, I ended up moving some of the colors around, and I ended up with two pinks touching (ouch).

Stained glass effect when held up to the light.
I still like the end result and I hope to see many of these blocks in the flickr group.

1 comment:

  1. Love how this block gives a nod to Fibonacci Sequence. Can't wait to try it!


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