We had another great Guild meeting this month. 55 members and still growing. We completely filled the room we were in this month. If you missed it, please browse around this website or refer to your monthly newsletter for announcements.
I need to give a shout out to Amanda L. our Programs Coordinator. He hadn't had one until this year and she's doing a great job! We've always had fun at our meetings, but now they are fun AND informative.
This month we were thrilled for our own Agnes to present a Fabric Stamping demo.
We learned about the various paints to use (and there are several to choose from out there!) as well as how to carve our own stamps. And guess what? Just about anything can find can be used as a stamp!
Scrapbooking stamps...
Apples and corks and things glued on wood...
The end of a pencil...
Agnes even glued a key on a chunk of wood!
Thank You Agnes! You've inspired us!
Our Show & Share gets bigger and better every meeting!
A meeting or so ago, Rebecca (far right) brought this great bag. Several commented on it and wanted details, so she said "I'll show you at our Sew Day!" So, Celeste (left) and Regina (middle) grabbed some fat quarters and made one too! It's a
6-Fat Quarters Bag and let me tell you, it's big! And they all look completely different just by their fabric choices.
I think low-volume quilts like this one that Regina made are underrated. I love the cozy cottage-y feel these kind of quilts give.
Beautiful quilting and a "modern" pieced back.
Ahhh...Jennifer made this striking "granny-square" quilt. We all loved the vibrant colors and graphic prints.
Jana brought this quilt that she is long-arm quilting. It's been in the works for 70 years and has the names of family. Truly a quilt to be treasured.
Jennifer made this one and Jana quilted it. I love these colors and Jana's amazing quilting!
You may recognize this as a block from the
Swoon quilt pattern but BIGGER. Angie made this quilt and her husband liked it so much, he wanted it on their bed!
Amanda P. made this pillow cover. Her first Cathedral Window! using the Comma fabric line by
Zen Chic (a favorite of several of our members)
I remember when Amanda L. started this quilt and love the finish. She used the Oh Deer! fabric line by
Moda and calls it "Radiate".
She hand-marked the lines for quilting on her home machine, which makes a plaid pattern.
This is a wedding gift for a friend of Christy's that's been married about 9 months. The good news is that it's acceptable to send newlyweds a gift up to their first year anniversary. You've got plenty of time, Christy!
Once again, Comma makes an appearance at the OKCMGQ. Here's a terrific zig-zag quilt made by Becky!
And the pieced back could be the front!
Teresa made this mini for her husband. Her embroidery is really amazing.
Leslie has been using her scraps to make bags for her electronics. Laptop case, iPad case, etc...
A couple weekends ago, several members attended a Fabric Bowl workshop at Quiltworks. Here are a couple of finished projects. These lovely bowls by Becky....
And one using just solids by Shirlene. They are both really wonderful!
See you next time!