Thursday, December 31, 2015

Flaunt Your Finish: December 2015

We hope you've had a terrific year! We've had a great year of beautiful projects from our Guild members and we're wrapping up 2015 with our December Flaunt Your Finish.

Don't forget to link up a project you finished during the month of December at the end of this post!

While most of her friends were sewing Christmas dresses, Robyn decided to try her hand at a romper that celebrated another December event - the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. She had wanted to try the Sweet Comfy Romper by Puperita for her 5-month-old son, and this particular Star Wars print proved just too much to resist. Unfortunately, she didn't have it ready in time for premiere day, but here he is wearing and enjoying it early the next week! I'm sure the romper is cute, but I can't stop looking at the baby!

Robert made these 9” x 11” bags for his sister’s Christmas mugs. What a great gift bag idea!

Robert also made this 17” x 55” Jul banner for his Scandinavian club’s smorgasbord.  “God Jul” is how Swedes & Norwegians say Merry Christmas. 

This is a paper pieced pattern that Angie has been wanting to try since someone suggested it back in September. She did the rough draft of the pattern right after that but never had time to actually put it together until this month. It will eventually become a pillow but "who knows how long that will take?", says Angie. Look at that face!

Ann S. managed to knock out two Fat Quarter quilts for family members for Christmas. Both quilted by Trish Maxwell. Our daughter-in-law is a big OU fan (went there for a semester or two, I think) so this was HER ‘school quilt.’ I bought these pattern FQs off our Guild Marketplace from Katie Cox. I used large cuts to keep the print from getting too chopped up, make it quicker to put together, and be more durable.

There’s no fabric line for Oklahoma City University, her husband's son’s alma mater, so Ann S. chose Starfleet Academy. Works just as well. This was actually the first of the two I planned out and knew I didn’t want the print cut up too much. It has a perfect moda Grunge Black on the back—dark and ominous like space. Glad to get these two finished — DONE is better than perfect!

Also from Ann S., more drawstring bags. And here's the FREE PATTERN from In Color Order. 

After all that OU-ing, I needed to cleanse my palate. This was for our neighbor who is a fervent OSU booster. 

And this one was designed and pieced to mimic a Mondrian theme. Turned out well, but doing it in a hurry to meet a deadline was maddening. I interfaced the 3/4” black strips in hopes of reducing tug and twist. Effective but had to shear down every seam afterwards so they’d lay flat. Great job, Ann!

Ann S. also made these wine glass coasters for her friend and book club leader. She’s also one fantastic collage artist so the fabric only seemed natural! Becky S. made Ann a set last year and she loves them!

Shirlene has been sewing for babies this month.  She made a couple of Self-Binding baby blankets from Missouri Star Quilt Company's Block Idea book from late Summer Vol 1 Issue 4, or you can watch from their tutorial http://youtube/lqwdNqMZ8Ro.  This one is for a work friend. I love flannel baby blankets!

Shirlene also completed this baby carrier canopy for a friend.  She found this version on Mommy by Day Crafter by Night on Pinterest.  

This next project was 18 months in the making for Agnes. Claire Shaeffer's Vogue 8804 "Chanel" jacket should be called "Blood, Sweat, and Tears". My friends, it has over 90 steps, and even hobbyists with serious garment sewing background agree that it requires a minimum of 80 (!) working hours. But it is all worthwhile in the end, and you learn so much along the way! I highly recommend :-) What an amazing job!

Agnes' next project is a green-on-green quilt she made with half square triangles. You know that shortcut where you place two squares of fabrics right sides together, sew around the perimeter and cut along the two diagonals to get 4 nice and quick half square triangles?  DON'T DO IT!  You basically get a quilt whose EVERY square has all bias edges. It is a pain! I had to quilt the heck out of it, and play with the binding to finally make it more-or-less straight! I do love the mix of solids and patterned fabric though! We love it too!

And finally, from Agnes...a little postcard/mug rug to herald in the holidays. This is a block from last year's #haveyourselfaquiltylittlechristmas Quilt-Along by Bee In My Bonnet

A Christmas gift for her sister, Ann W. made this quilt from Cotton and Steel fabric and backed in chambray. It was a hit! No doubt she loved it, it looks great!

Vicki made this cute stocking for her granddaughter's first Christmas.

Vicki has been calling this the "drama quilt". It has survived coffee being spilled on it, perle cotton thread that wasn't colorfast after all, and a wet navy blue tote bag that faded on it. Even when I finished it I found little spots that look like rust stains! I am glad to finally be able say that this drama is over. At least I hope that it is! It looks great to us!

Beth made Shannon Brinkley's Trip Around the World as a twin size quilt for a dear friend in Germany with whom she reconnected with last year after 20+ years.  She used Carolyn Friedlander's ledger fabric for the equatorial zone and tried to make the quilting like the jet stream, accented by big stitches, as well as the prime meridian. This is the first time Beth has used big stitches in a quilt and she is HOOKED! Wow!

Beth also used Shannon Brinkley's scrappy bits applique method to make another quilt "Hirsch" for her dear friend's parents in Germany. They hosted Beth for a few months when she was in college trying to become fluent in German. 

Thanks to all for sharing your terrific projects. Now it's your turn to link up below.

Check back next year (ha, ha) for a chance to win our 2016 Raffle Quilt.

Best wishes for a happy 2016!


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